H2020 Proposal Writing Workshop

Location:Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date:22.10.2018 - 23.10.2018

Join H2020 Proposal building workshop organised by ENoLL Innovation Partner – Vandejong. The workshop will take place on 22 and 23 October in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Open and forthcoming calls of common interest will be addressed, mainly under Science with and for Society (SwafS), Societal Challenge 6 and ICT. Participants can also propose other interesting calls! Don’t forget to register for the workshop via this link


Participants are invited to indicate the calls in which they are most interested. Based on the interest of participants, the calls will be clustered.


Agenda of the two-day session: 


Monday 22 October
11:00-12:00 Welcome & Introductions
12:00-13:00 Overview and Scene Setting
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-18:00 Parallel Call Clusters Working Groups (SC6 Calls)
19:30 Dinner


Tuesday 23 October
10:00-13:00 Parallel Call Clusters Working Groups (SWAFS Calls)
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-17:00 Parallel Call Clusters Working Groups (ICT and Other Calls)
17:00 Closing



Calls which will be addressed


SC6 Calls

MIGRATION-01-2019 Understanding migration mobility patterns: elaborating mid and long-term
migration scenarios
MIGRATION-06-2019 Addressing the challenge of migrant integration through ICT-enabled
MIGRATION-03-2019 Social and economic effects of migration in Europe and integration policies
MIGRATION-07-2019 International protection of refugees in a comparative perspective
TRANSFORMATIONS-02-2019 Transformative impact of disruptive technologies in public services
TRANSFORMATIONS-03-2019 Innovative solutions for inclusive and sustainable urban environments
TRANSFORMATIONS-04-2019 Innovative approaches to urban and regional development through cultural tourism
TRANSFORMATIONS-07-2019 The impact of technological transformations on children and youth
TRANSFORMATIONS-08-2019 The societal value of culture and the impact of cultural policies in Europe
TRANSFORMATIONS-11-2019 Collaborative approaches to cultural heritage for social cohesion
TRANSFORMATIONS-13-2019 Using big data approaches in research and innovation policy making
TRANSFORMATIONS-16-2019 Social platform on the impact assessment and the quality of
interventions in European historical environment and cultural heritage sites
TRANSFORMATIONS-17-2019 Societal challenges and the arts
GOVERNANCE-04-2019 Enhancing social rights and EU citizenship
GOVERNANCE-13-2019 Digitisation, Digital Single Market and European culture: new challenges
for creativity, intellectual property rights and copyright
GOVERNANCE-17-2019 Democratic crisis? Resolving socio-economic and political challenges to
reinvigorate democracies

GOVERNANCE-18-2019 Innovation in government – building an agile and citizen-centric public sector



SWAFS-01-2019 Open schooling and collaboration on science education
SWAFS-05-2019 Grounding RRI practices in research and innovation funding and performing
SWAFS-08-2019 Research innovation needs & skills training in PhD programmes
SWAFS-09-2019 Supporting research organisations to implement gender equality plans
SWAFS-11-2019 Scenarios for an award/certification system for gender equality in research
organisations and universities in Europe
SWAFS-12-2019 The gender perspective of science, technology and innovation (STI) in dialogue
with third countries
SWAFS-14-2019 Supporting the development of territorial Responsible Research and Innovation
SWAFS-15-2019 Exploring and supporting citizen science
SWAFS-16-2019 Ethics of Innovation: the challenge of new interaction modes
SWAFS-17-2019 Consolidating and expanding the knowledge base on citizen science
SWAFS-19-2019 Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
SWAFS-20-2019 Building the SwafS knowledge base


ICT Calls

ICT-25-2019 Interactive Technologies
ICT-33-2019 Startup Europe for Growth and Innovation Radar


Other Calls

SC5-14-2019 Visionary and integrated solutions to improve well-being and health in cities


Find more information on the calls here. For any questions contact francesca.spagnoli@enoll.org.



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