Global IoT Summit 2020

Location:Dublin, Ireland
Date:03.06.2020 - 05.06.2020

Call for Papers

The call welcomes papers on technological innovations (from Artificial Intelligence to 5G and nanotechnology), as well as on applications for the benefit of society, including sustainable development, smart industry, smart cities and mobility, health, smart agriculture, privacy and safety.

IEEE endorsed GIoTS invites you to submit papers on the following topics:

  • IoT Enabling Technologies
  • IoT Applications, Services and Real Implementations
  • End-user and Human-Centric IoT, including IoT Multimedia, Societal Impacts and Sustainable Development
  • IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection
  • IoT Pilots, Testbeds and Experimentation Results

Paper submission deadline: February 15, 2020
Papers must be submitted electronically:





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