From Living Labs to Communities of Practice: URBiNAT’s webinars


“During the Open Living Lab Days in Thessaloniki, the URBiNAT team for participation in living labs conducted the workshop ‘From Living lab to communities of practice’ with approximately 35 colleagues from around the world. We now have the pleasure of inviting these participants as well as you for three webinars to take place via Zoom meetings on the 29th October. The webinars will cover the three topics that were derived during the workshop in Thessaloniki.


Our aim with these webinars is to continue the journey with you our colleagues from Living Labs to Communities of Practice. We wish to further develop the forum and discussion around the identified challenges and opportunities concerning living labs and engagement of citizens.


We ask you to register for one or more of these three 1,5 hour webinars. You can take part in one, two or all three. That is up to you. All we ask is that for each webinar you will attend you offer a 2-minute contribution. In your registration, we ask you to write us the title of that contribution and a description in few sentences covering the basics of your idea in relation to each of the topical webinars you wish to attend” [excerpt from URBiNAT webinar invitation].


Webinar 1 – 29 Oct. – from 10:00 am to 11:30 am CEST
Plunge (have guts) – risk as a means to the cutting edge.
We will be looking for contributions from participants towards what risks we need to take and why it is necessary to achieve cutting edge? This can include topics like the power and risks of stimulating vast number of people; the power of open and transparent experimentation, how do we protect the integrity and security of people? How do we know we are on the right track? What can we as a community do together? And what could be the next steps and how will we continue the discussion?
Please register here:
Webinar 2 – 29 Oct. – from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm CEST
How can we inspire a new meaning of life? How do we create togetherness being authentic, transparent, inclusive, working on a shared agenda and common vision?
Contributions we seek: Where can we experience new meanings of life and how do we strengthen a togetherness around these new meanings of life? New meaning of life linked to the SDGs; New meaning of life with pressures and enablers from urbanization and digitalisation; What roles do living labs play in creating new meanings of life? Who are the frontiers for the development of a
common vision? What can we as a community do together to deliver a shared agenda?
Please register here:
Webinar 3 – 29. Oct. – from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm CEST
We need to go local to be able to scale up. But how can we do it sustainably? (Key word seeding/obvious change)
What kinds of local initiatives will go global and how do we stimulate this scale-up sustainably? Which local community examples do we know of as best practice examples? How come they were sustainable and went global? What and who initiated these initiatives in the first place? Which good local examples have not been scaled and why? What can we as a community do together to develop successful local initiatives and help them scale sustainably?
Please register here:





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