EWRC: ´Unlocking Europe's regional innovation potential through RRI and multi-actor innovation networks´


Responsible research and innovation (RRI) is a cross-cutting issue and a key action of Horizon Europe to build effective cooperation between science and society. RRI actions such as fostering innovation, co-creation and knowledge-transfer can be a complex matter due to the plurality of actors involved and the socio-cultural divergences between the different geographical areas in Europe. However, it can also be a great opportunity for growth if it is done efficiently. In this session, key stakeholders from the quadruple helix (science, policy, industry and society) will openly discuss and present how to turn this diversity into unity with an interactive, demand-driven innovation model that has already been successfully implemented in several H2020 projects. Do you want to know how to translate knowledge into practice with regional multi-actor innovation networks? Join us for this session and discover how this methodology can also apply to your region!





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