European Research and Innovation Days

Location:KANAL, CENTRE POMPIDOU, Brussels, Belgium
Date:24.09.2019 - 26.09.2019

European Research and Innovation Days are an annual policy event that will bring together world leaders from industry, finance, academia and business to debate and shape the future research and innovation landscape.


Speakers will include ministers, commissioners, members of European Parliament, researchers, as well as surprise guests each day.


Aim of the event

At the same time, the days aim to mobilise EU citizens and increase awareness and understanding of how important research and innovation are in addressing the challenges that face society. It will be a celebration of the very best EU research and innovation has to offer.

A key challenge for Europe is delivering the next great transition of our economy, society and planet to secure a sustainable future that ensures the wellbeing of citizens.


The event will be central to finding research and innovation solutions for this great transition by working across polices, setting the direction, spurring innovation, triggering investment, and mobilising citizens and end-users.





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