European AI Alliance Assembly

Location:Brussels, Belgium

The aim is to discuss the latest achievements in AI policy as well as future perspectives of the European Strategy on Artificial Intelligence, including its impact on the economy and society.


During the event, the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence(AI HLEG), which is the AI Alliance’s steering group, will present two important milestones of its work:

  • the Policy and Investment Recommendations on AI, addressed to the European Commission and Member States
  • the Launch the piloting process of the AI Ethics Guidelines presented during the Digital Day 2019


The second part of the day will allow participants to take part in interactive workshops on the next steps of the European AI Strategy. The workshop discussions will serve as an input to future policy making.


The event is open to all, yet priority will be given to the members of the European AI Alliance and stakeholders interested in piloting the AI Ethics Guidelines.





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