European 5G Observatory

Location:Rue Froissart 36, 1040, Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium

The stakeholder workshop “European 5G Observatory – Is Europe ready for 5G?” will take place in Brussels (Conference Centre Albert Borschette) on Friday, 17 May 2019 from 10:00-16:00. The workshop will be the opportunity to review the main findings of the first phase of the 5G Observatory and discuss the next steps to ensure the implementation of the 5G Action Plan.


The Workshop

This workshop is open to all stakeholders interested in 5G, including telecom operators and suppliers, national authorities in charge of telecom and spectrum policy and regulation, as well as representatives of the vertical industries looking at the use of 5G for their use cases. If you are interested in this event, please book the date in your agenda.

The 5G Observatory

The European 5G Observatory was launched in 2018 to monitor market developments and preparatory actions taken by industry stakeholders and Member States in the context of 5G roll-out in Europe and beyond. It enables the Commission to assess the progress of Europe’s 5G Action Plan and take action to fully implement it.

The 5G Observatory online platform provides the latest news and key trends in 5G deployment in Europe and world-wide, and its quarterly reports provide snapshots, including scoreboards, of 5G progress, as well as an assessment in view of the objectives of the 5G Action Plan.

Presentations from the Observatory

At this workshop, IDATE, who is conducting the European 5G Observatory for the Commission, will first present the main findings of its first phase and stakeholders will be able to react and discuss.

The workshop will then offer the opportunity to reflect on how the Observatory can move from “readiness” reporting to “deployment” reporting. What are the key parameters to measure: fibre backhaul, use of pioneer bands, service capabilities, coverage and quality mapping…?

Finally, the last session will explore how regulators can facilitate 5G roll-out looking at the implementation and application of the legal frameworks such as the EECC, the cost reduction Directive, and the Net Neutrality rules. Further measures necessary to facilitate the deployment targets could also be identified.





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