EU-Startups Summit

Location:Hesperia Tower Avinguda de la Granvia 144, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona Spain
Date:02.05.2019 - 03.05.2019

At the 2019 edition of the EU-Startups Summit we expect over 1.200 startup founders, tech folks, corporates, business angels, media people and investors from all across Europe. The event offers great networking opportunities, inspiring speakers and a workshop stage. We’ll also have an exciting pitch competition with a prize package worth more than €70,000 and great after-parties in the evening for further networking and drinks!


The EU-Startups Summit will also gather hundreds of Europe’s leading Venture Capital investors, business angels and accelerators. As a startup, you can directly engage with them, and we are proud to have one of the best startup-investor ratios of any startup event out there.





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