Enhancing Regional Health Innovation Policies through the Living Lab concept

Location:Eindhoven, The Netherlands

On the 25th of October, 2018, discuss the role of the living lab concept in regional policy instruments for health innovation. This will be done by Mr. Bror Salmelin, Former Adviser to the European Commission, Ms. Zsuzsanna Bódi, Association Director of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL), Mr. Tim Daniels, Project Manager at Brainport Development and Mrs. Astrid Kaag, Policy Officer of the Province of North-Brabant. Furthermore, we would like to share with you some of our most popular Good Practices which have been identified within the HELIUM project.


Zsuzsanna Bodi will speak about “Involvement and engagement of SME’s in the living lab process. SME’s are by far the most important category of companies for health innovation”. See full agenda. 

This event will bring Interreg Europe projects together with an interest in improved policy for health innovation and/or the living lab concept. During the event you will have a chance to share and exchange ideas and experiences.


Interreg Europe supports regional and local governments across Europe to develop and deliver better policy. HELIUM, one of the Interreg Europe projects, is focusing on policies affecting Health Innovation. By creating an environment and opportunities for sharing Good Practices, HELIUM aims to improve the support mechanisms for Health Innovation. Among many other inspiring Good Practices, we concluded that the living lab concept which is built upon principles of user driven open innovation has the potential to enrich the existing sets of instruments for regional innovation policies.





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