Enabling the Open Science Modus Operandi in Europe

Location:Brussels, Belgium

The symposium takes place on Thursday 29 November 2018 in Brussels at the Radisson Blu Royal Hotel from 16:00 to 19:30 and will be followed by a networking reception.


The symposium aims to discuss key enablers of the open science modus operandi in Europe, including:

  • how to transition to immediate open access swiftly and foster a transparent and competitive scholarly communication sector;
  • rewards and incentives for embedding open science in research practices, promotions and assessments.



Confirmed speakers already include:

  • Jean-Claude Burgelman – Head of Unit Open Science, European Commission
  • Michael Hengartner – President of swissuniversities and Rector of Zurich University
  • Stephan Kuster – Secretary General of Science Europe
  • Karel Luyben – Former Rector Magnificus Delft University of Technology and Dutch National Contact point for Open Science
  • Kamila Markram – CEO Frontiers
  • Ingeborg Meijer – Senior Researcher and Research Evaluation Consultant, Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS)
  • Gareth O’Neill – President of the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers
  • Florian Pecenka – Head of Unit, Austrian Permanent Representation to the EU
  • Falk Reckling – Head of Department Strategy, Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • Alexis Walckiers – Invited Professor in Microeconomics, Université Libre de Bruxelles


More details in the draft programme can be found here.


Registration for the symposium is already open. Kindly note that the number of seats is limited.



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