E-couse: Stimulating Innovation and policy making in the Social & Creative sectors

Date:19.09.2022 - 15.10.2022

From 19th September to 15th October middle manager in public authorities and funding agencies in local authorities, policy makers and all stakeholders in the social innovation and creative fields can learn how to improve policies and practices in the Social Innovation & Creative sectors.

The e-learning programme is free of charge and it is structured in 4 modules, for a total of 12 hours engagement, built on video lessons, case studies and hands-on activities for a very practical training providing participants with specific insights and tools ready to be implemented in the daily practices:

  • Module #1: Co-creation methods & e-Learning toolkit for enacting open innovation in the social innovation and creative community;
  • Module #2: Semantic Framework Tool to implement advanced services for smart search and policy making;
  • Module #3: Oriented Bayesian Nets (OBNs) for supporting policy making and injecting innovation in CCIs;
  • Module #4: Experimenting with the Social & Creative OBN tool for improving cluster promotion and financing schemes start up.

Students will receive a certificate at the end of the course.


Enroll now at https://bit.ly/SCI-MEDAcademy



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