Distance learning: safety, efficiency and well-being in the Czech Republic


The Czech National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs is organizing a Community-led event focusing on distance learning and its complex nature. Concretely, there will be three aspects of distance learning to be discussed:


  • Safety – safe technologies for distance learning in connection with cybersecurity
  • Efficiency – good practice in learning online, collected with inputs from all relevant stakeholders in Czechia and beyond, with a focus not on the pedagogical side, but on people (students, teachers, parents)
  • Digital wellbeing – analysing the effect of distance learning on the wellbeing of participants (students, teachers, parents)


The goal is to understand how different countries have coped with the digital skills requirements of distance education during the COVID crisis, now that one year has passed, and where we are headed in the future, especially from the point of view of advanced technologies. For this, the event will bring together speakers from other NCs, particularly the V4 countries due to regional similarities to share and learn from their experiences.


The first session will take place on 29th March 2021, between 15:00 – 17:00 CET The first Panel session will be focused on Safety in distance learning, while the second one on Efficiency and wellbeing in distance learning.





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