Digital Transformation: Delivering the vision for agile, flexible and secure public services

Location:America Square Conference Centre, London, the UK

Enterprise Transformation Summit: Blueprint for Commercial Success is bringing together senior business leaders to hear from the biggest global brands and innovators. Join us to learn how strategic digital transformation can drive businesses to greater commercial success. The senior-level event will be attended by industry experts including chief executives and board directors, Chief Digital Officers, Heads & VPs of Digital Transformation, and Chief Technology Officers from companies actively seeking inspiration to transform their customer experience, services, products and cultures.


According to Gartner’s latest survey results, 42% of CEOs are now actively pursuing digital transformation efforts in one form or another. The study found that 56% of CEOs said that digital improvements have already increased their profits, proving that the approach is paying dividends. Disruptive technologies, including intelligent machines and advanced analytics, are reaching the masses and transforming not only customer experiences but also changing the way businesses operate.


Learn how the integration of digital technology within all areas of business will result in fundamental changes that provide new growth, innovation opportunities and fastest time to value.


Read more on the official website of the event



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