Delivering advanced digital skills for Europe's Digital Decade event


On Tuesday 26 October 2021, between 15:30 – 17:00 CEST the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition project will host a strategic discussion surrounding the ambitious advanced digital skills targets set out within the vision for Europe’s Digital Decade. The goal is that by 2030 there will be 20 million more ICT specialists with gender convergence in the industry which sets the challenges for business, governments and society. Alongside this target is also the ambition that 80% of the European population will have at least basic digital skills and that 90% of SMEs will have a basic level of digital intensity with 75% of companies using Cloud/AI/Big Data.


Speakers from the European Commission, national ministries and pledgers from the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition to discuss their visions for the future, initiatives and actions taken to support the acquisition of advanced digital skills and the mechanisms for the coming years.


You can find more information on the event as well as a registration link here.



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