Culture & Co-creativity working group kick-off meeting


Over the last year, the global COVID pandemic had a huge impact on everyone in this world. Due to the lockdowns all over the world, certainly the complete ‘creative’ sector suffered heavenly since almost every event in the cultural sector was cancelled.


At the end of last year many of our members got together and envisioned to position arts & creative industries as agents of change and places for innovation. The first step was to organize an ENoLL session around Music & Living Labs.


Right now we are very happy that our effective member GAIA, has accepted our invitation to lead this working group in close collaboration with our Action oriented task force on Social Innovation & Digital Rights. Jokin Garatea from GAIA will be our leader of this working group, aligning the actions of this group with the other Action oriented task forces & working groups.


The next action of our Culture & Co-creativity working group is organizing a kick-off meeting for ALL interested organizations and people on Tuesday June 8th from 11h to 13h CEST via Zoom.


The purpose of this meeting is to set the scene, to discuss the way forward and to open up the working group to everyone who’s interested to participate.


To kickstart the discussion, we kindly invite you to fill out our 2-question survey upfront so we can use the results as a starting point for defining the ways forward with this working group. Your input is highly appreciated, even if you can’t make it to the session.


The session will be recorded, and we will make it publicly available afterwards.


“What should our working group on Culture & Co-creativity focus on?”

Let us know via:


Interested to join the session? Send an email to to get invited.



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