[Thess-AHALL]: Don’t miss the Cancer Survivorship – AI for Well-being Cluster event

Date:23.02.2022 - 24.02.2022

From 23 to 24 February, don’t miss the Cancer Survivorship – AI for Well-being Cluster online event. The focus will be on exploring how new technologies can better support cancer patients and enhance their everyday living.  


This initiative sees the active participation of LifeChamps H2020 along with eight more projects from the cancer & AI research and innovation fields. 



Cancer Survivorship – AI for Well-being Cluster event: what to expect 



The event, entitled “How can new technologies better support patients?”, will gather researchers, policymakers, patients, clinicians, and experts in-field. 


Together, they will discuss experiences and exchange know-how on the benefits that the emerging technological solutions can bring to cancer patients and survivors.  


More specifically, the event foresees special thematic sessions and round tables, as well as Q&A live sessions and keynotes from high-level invited speakers.  


Since the event is highly interactive, you will have the opportunity to feed the discussion with your own experience and knowledge! 


Want to know more? 


The CS_AIW event is free and open to the public! Are you interested in joining? 


You can register yourself here! 


For more information on the event and the agenda, do not hesitate to visit LifeChamps’ website. 

Cancer Survivorship – AI for Well-being Cluster event



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