Connected Smart Cities and Communities Conference 2020

Location:Brussels, Belgium
Date:22.01.2020 - 23.01.2020

Connected Smart Cities & Communities (CSCC) is the annual conference organised by Open & Agile Smart Cities. The conference is the place for cities, policy-makers, researchers, and businesses to come together and to connect to the forefront of human-centric societal development of technologies, markets, and policy in the 21st century.


This year’s conference theme “Scale with Us” reflects global initiatives – supported by institutional partners ranging from the European Commission to the G20 – to scale up urban digital solutions for better quality of life on our cities and communities.


In four tracks – GREEN, PEOPLE, ECONOMY and TECH – innovative minds will learn and discuss how open standards and minimal interoperability mechanisms support cities and businesses alike to create an open and global smart city market for data and services based on cities’ needs.





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