Circular Economy Innovation Camp

Location:Krakow, Poland
Date:12.11.2018 - 15.11.2018

Call for applications to participate in the Circular Economy Innovation Camp with financial support, 12-15 November 2018, Krakow, Poland


The above event is part of the CIRC4Life project. The project will pay the cost of your participation in the event, including travel, hotel and meals.


The CIRC4Life (No 776503) is a project of three-years commencing May 2018 supported by the European Commission H2020 circular economy programme, with project budget of 7.3 million Euros. The project will develop three new circular economy business models (CEBMs), including co-creation of product and services, sustainable consumption and collaborative recycling and reuse. The CEBMS will then be demonstrated in four industrial sectors including LED lighting products, vegetable farming, meat supply chain, and recycle/reuse of tablets.


CIRC4Life Innovation camp is a carefully prepared and facilitated innovation sprint which brings together about 70 leading experts/specialists and industrialists across the world who have a passion for systemic change. In the camp, participants will share knowledge and experience to find solutions how to further develop and implement the CEBMs and related industrial demonstration in real life.


Participants can experience the camp by joining in one of the demonstration (DEMO) working groups and develop all three CEBMs for that particular demonstration. Alternatively, participant can join in one of the CEBM groups and focus on developing a single business model for all four demonstrations.


Further information
Please visit project website for further information of the CIRC4Life project and the Innovation Camp participation terms.


Application Procedure
1. Complete the online application form via Website
2. Deadline for application: 30th September 2018.
3. Successful applicants will be informed by 5th October


Look forward to meeting you at the Innovation Camp

Professor Daizhong Su
Coordinator of the CIRC4Life project
Head of Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering Centre, Nottingham Trent University, UK


Dr. Tuija Hirvikoski
Host of the Innovation camp
Director at Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Emerita President of European Network of Living Labs, 2015 – 2018



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