Call for Workshops at OpenLivingLab Days


s always, interactive workshops are an important element in the conference that is characterized by co-creation and hands-on collaboration. Moving such tacit forms of collaboration pose an interesting challenge and at the same time a great opportunity for the future.


During this year’s Open Living Lab Days, 20-23 September 2022, we will organize two full conference days on Wednesday and Thursday with a mixture of sessions to attend. The last day on Friday will be focusing on site visits in Turin.


Key characteristics. We are looking for workshops that are:

  • Interactive and practical rather than one-directional or theoretical 
  • Facilitating the active and equal engagement of all participants 
  • Support knowledge exchange – also between participants 
  • Provide real value for participants and equip them with solutions that they can apply in their living labs as well 
  • Produce tangible outcomes to ‘take home’ from the session 


Application Process:

  • 29 March 2022: Open for workshop applications
  • 15 May 2022: Deadline for workshop application submission
  • 15 June 2022: Information on evaluation results: publishing of accepted workshops
  • 1- 15 September 2022: Call with workshop organizers for a technical check & platform set-up + Deadline for workshop amendments if required by evaluators
  • 20 September: Day 0 of OLLD – Learning Lab day with side events
  • 21-23 September 2022: OLLD conference. Workshops will take place throughout Wednesday and Thursday of the conference.
  • After the conference: end of September a reporting period will follow, allowing you to share the outcomes reached during your workshop.


Interested in organizing a workshop during the Open Living Lab Days 2022 and sharing your meaningful experience with the wider community? Find more information + application file at



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