Apply to HosmartAI Open Call for start-ups & SMEs

Date:08.02.2022 - 08.04.2022

HosmartAI is offering up to €50k grants to all start-ups and SMEs developing AI-powered technology (but not only) that can be implemented within the healthcare sector. 


This open call relies on a budget of €200,000 to support four start-ups or SMEs in the creation, design and integration of their health-interoperable technologies into the HosmartAI’s platform. 


You can apply for solving a particular HosmartAI challenge or for integrating a new technology in the HosmartAI platform. 


Who can apply to HosmartAI Open Call? 


The eligible audience of HosmartAI Open Call includes start-ups and SMEs legally established in: 


  • The Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), including their outermost regions; 
  • The Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to the Member States; 
  • H2020 associated countries (having signed an agreement with the Union as identified in Article 7 of the Horizon 2020 Regulation): according to the updated list published by the EC. 


The UK applicants are eligible under the conditions set by the EC for H2020 participation at the time of the deadline of the call. 


Interested in applying to HosmartAI Open Call? 


Applications will run until 8 April 2022, 5:00 pm CET.


To register, click here. 


For more information, you can visit HosmartAi’s website. 

HosmartAI’s Open Call



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