Well-being Living Lab Nagykovacsi

The mission of the Well-being Living Lab Nagykovacsi is to carry out and participate in R&D activities that can be used to improve people’s well-being and quality of life in many areas of life. Its mission is to develop, deliver, apply and disseminate new services and methods (e.g. through education) using the results of R&D […]

Valencia Living Lab – People Innovating for People

The aim of this LL is to make Valencia a laboratory city by creating experimentation spaces, public infrastructures and processes designed to experiment with new solutions, services and products that are developed by innovative ecosystem, as well as by the citizenship, and which require testing in real conditions. Within its scope, Valenica LL has been […]

WaterCampus Leeuwarden

At the WaterCampus Leeuwarden, innovations in the field of water technology are developed, tested, upscaled and introduced in the global market. The WaterCampus is a host to a variety of testing locations where new applications can be tested in close cooperation with end users. The WaterCampus does not focus on any particular development stage. Innovative […]

TAMK Living Lab

TAMK Living Lab focuses on promoting health and wellbeing, business, and technology together with learning and creativity. In addition to the significant role as a higher education institution, TAMK conducts high-quality practical, cross-disciplinary research, development, and innovation projects jointly with all quadruple helix partners. These projects specifically emphasise the social, environmental, and economic impact on […]

Thessaloniki Action for HeAlth & Wellbeing Living Lab

Thess-AHALL, active since 2014, is a unique research and innovation hub in Thessaloniki. It promotes regional development and sustainable health technologies, focusing on physical, mental, and social health, active and healthy ageing, and quality of life. It co-creates technological solutions to ease independent living, improve conditions for older adults, chronic patients, and vulnerable populations, and […]

TIE-LL Technology Innovation Ecosystem

TIE Living Lab is hosted by DHITECH and stems from the research project VINCENTE (Virtual collective INtelligenCe ENvironment to develop sustainable Technology Entrepreneurship ecosystem), co-funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. The TIE Living Lab’s mission is to conceive and promote, openly and collaboratively, a personalizable ecosystem of actors and stakeholders, relationships […]

Transilvania Living lab

Transilvania Living Lab aims to identify cross-sectorial projects with all stakeholders from the regional innovative ecosystem. Transilvania Living Lab strives to put communities and their needs at the heart of innovation, developing and experimenting with projects and services that involve smart approaches. The goal of Transilvania Living Lab is to empower the users of its […]

UAB Smart Campus Living Lab

The campus has become a primary area for experimentation, innovation and demonstration of new technologies and methodologies, and also an incubator/accelerator for different types of projects and initiatives, which can then be applied in the neighboring municipalities.

Mezopotamya Living Lab

Mezopotamya Living Lab’s goal is to raise the living standards of the residents and to move beyond the standards offered by the Sanliurfa metropolitan municipality. It does so by using technology accordingly and consciously in every aspect of life in coordination with the non-governmental organizations of the region, cooperatives of farmers and Professional chambers. The […]

Swiss Food Research

Swiss Food Research (SFR) is Switzerland’s largest Agro- Food and Nutrition Innovation Network. Together with its 200+ members from academia, industry, and society, SFR catalyses holistic innovation along the entire value chain to support transformation toward a future-oriented agro food & nutrition system. Swiss Food Research supports projects from the problem up to market readiness […]

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