
ENoLL Infoday – ENoLL Certification, Responsible Innovation, and Living Lab Best Practices

June 25th, 2024

Aachen University, Aachen, Germany


Living Labs are collaborative innovation spaces that bring together diverse stakeholders to co-create, test, and validate innovative solutions in real-world settings. They are recognized for their effectiveness in addressing complex societal challenges and fostering sustainable development. This upcoming event in Aachen, Germany, aims to highlight the importance of Living Labs and provide valuable insights into becoming an ENoLL- certified Living Lab.


Event Objectives


  • Raise Awareness: Highlight the significance of Living Labs in tackling societal challenges and promoting sustainable development.
  • Discover ENoLL: Provide comprehensive information about the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and its certification process.
  • Empower Potential Labs: Guide prospective ENoLL-certified Living Labs in Germany through the application process and offer valuable tips.
  • Showcase Success Stories: Present successful Living Lab initiatives in Germany and their contributions to the national innovation ecosystem.


The event will consist of two key sessions designed to inform and inspire participants:


Session 1: Why Living Labs Matter and How to Get Certified and Become a Member of ENoLL


  • Presentation of ENoLL: An introduction to the organization, its mission, values, and activities.
  • Why Become an ENoLL- Certified Living Lab: Discuss the benefits, recognition, and opportunities associated with ENoLL certification.
  • How to Apply – Tips and Tricks: Offer practical guidance on the ENoLL certification process, including application tips and common pitfalls.


Session 2: Successful Living Lab Initiatives in Germany


  • Presentations from ENoLL Living Labs in Germany: Gain insights from experienced Living Lab practitioners on their experiences, challenges, and successes.




10:30 – Registration and Coffee


11:00 – Welcome Greetings (Dr. Margarethe Schmeer – Mayor of Aachen,  Prof. Dr. Ute Habel – Vice-Rector for International Affairs, Aachen University)


11:10 – Welcome and Introduction (Evdokimos Konstantinidis – ENoLL President, Martina Desole – ENoLL Director)


11:15 – Presentation of ENoLL – Introduction to the organization, its mission, values, and capacity building (Martina Desole – ENoLL Director, Marta De Los Rios White – ENoLL Interim Head of Capacity Building)


11:25 – Why Living Labs – When and why should we use the Living Lab methodology? (Evdokimos Konstantinidis – ENoLL President)


11.35 – ENoLL seal of quality & How to get certified – Why Become an ENoLL-Certified Living Lab: Benefits, recognition, and opportunities associated with ENoLL certification. How to Apply: Tips and Tricks and Practical guidance on the ENoLL certification process, including application tips and common pitfalls (Marta De Los Rios White – ENoLL Interim Head of Capacity Building)


11:55 – Successful Living Lab Initiatives in Germany Presentations of Representatives from ENoLL Living Labs in Germany on their experiences, challenges, and successes (Living Labs Incubator – Julia Backhaus,· SmartFactoryOWL – Nissrin Arbesun Perez)


12:20 – Q&A and Conclusions


12:30 – Lunch Break


This event in Aachen aims to position Living Labs as a driving force for innovation and sustainable development in Germany. By highlighting the importance of ENoLL certification and showcasing successful Living Lab initiatives in Germany, the event will empower stakeholders to harness the power of Living Labs and contribute to a more resilient and prosperous future.


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