
Krakow Technology Park (Poland) – Few days to the Digital Dragons Conference!

Are you interested in the Game Industry? The Digital Dragons conference, organized by the ENoLL member Krakow Technology Park, attracts representatives of this environment from all over the world! Let’s discover more about the event and Małopolska Region, the main partner of Digital Dragons Conference 2024.


The game industry is one of the most dynamically developing branches of the new technology industry. The Małopolska Region recognises this and strives to ensure that both producers of video games and representatives of other sectors in which innovative solutions are created, develop their activities right here, in Małopolska.


A particularly important moment for defining the directions of innovative development in the Region was the identification of Smart Specialisations of the Małopolska Region, which included both ICT and creative industries. These are the areas in which the game industry fits in perfectly. This decision has enabled entrepreneurs working on projects in these areas to tap into European Funds from Regional Operational Programme for Małopolska Region 2014-2020. An even more significant opportunity for development is provided by the current EU financial perspective and the associated programme European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027.


The availability of European Funds guarantees the continuation of investments serving Małopolska, for the development of entrepreneurship, research projects and the implementation of innovations. Over the next few years EUR 312 million will be available for new technology industries. Therefore, the development of digitalisation will continue, new widely accessible solutions will be implemented, e.g. in the field of e-health, e-government or e-culture, and it will be possible to continue using innovation vouchers and support for start-ups.

From the very beginning, the Małopolska Region has been the main partner of Digital Dragons, a conference that attracts representatives of the computer games community from all over the world. For over 10 years, the Region has allocated almost PLN 1.5 million to support this valuable initiative. It is gratifying to see that this support brings visible results. Many of the companies that took part in the independent games contests have succeeded on the global market, and today are significant, often fully independent game developers.


From the very beginning, the Małopolska Region has been the main partner of Digital Dragons, a conference that attracts representatives of the computer games community from all over the world. For over 10 years, the Region has allocated almost PLN 1.5 million to support this valuable initiative. It is gratifying to see that this support brings visible results. Many of the companies that took part in the independent games contests have succeeded on the global market, and today are significant, often fully independent game developers.

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