Panagiotis Bamidis


Living Lab



Panagiotis Bamidis is a Professor of Medical Physics and Informatics in Medical Education in the Medical Physics Lab of the School of Medicine at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. He designs, implements and evaluates IT and Assistive Technologies systems that improve everyday activities of elderly or other vulnerable groups and improves their health or life quality or improves the education and training of health professionals. He conducts research that attempts to understand how the brain reacts to different stimuli, technological or educational interventions, as well as, the development and evolution of human emotions and sleep transitions. He is the co-ordinator of large European projects, and the principal investigator for many national and international funded projects. He is the President of the Hellenic Biomedical Technology Society (ELEBIT), the HL7 Hellas organisation, the international Society of Applied Neuroscience (SAN), a member of the Administration Boards of other societies and patient associations. He is/has been the Chairman/Organiser of more than 19 international conferences and several national Biomedical Technology conferences. Since 2012 he has established LLM Care ecosystem (, the business exploitation of the LLM project, which is a 2-star reference site of the EIP-on-AHA. In 2013 he established the Active and Healthy Ageing Living Lab in Thessaloniki (ThessAHALL; which in 2016 became an adherent and in 2018 an effective member of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). In 2017, he became a visiting Professor of Medical Education Technology, Innovation and Change for the Leeds Institute of Medical Education (LIME) of the University of Leeds, UK. He received Prizes for the Best Track Record in funded research projects (AUTH Research Committee 2009; AUTH Dean of Health Sciences 2016) and the Best overall high/extra-ordinary academic performance (AUTH Dean of Health Sciences 2018, 2019, 2020). In 2020, as a result of the H2020 funded project named CAPTAIN, he founded CAPTAIN-COACH, one of the first 10 spin-offs of AUTH.
His research interests are within technology enhanced learning in Medical Education (web2.0, semantic web and open linked data, serious games, virtual patients, PBL and scenario based learning, learning analytics), Affective and Applied Neuroscience, Affective and Physiological Computing, multimodal interaction and HCI, Health Information Management, Bio-medical Informatics with emphasis on neurophysiological sensing, signal analysis, and imaging of human emotions. He is also actively researching Assistive Technologies for Active and Healthy Ageing, as well as, special education/developmental disorders, and silvergaming/exergaming/silver-science and the associated use of semantic technologies and IoT.

Capacity Building Program



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