Joelle Mastelic


Living Lab



Professor at HES


Joëlle Mastelic is a HES professor at the HES-SO Valais since 2008. She teaches marketing and innovation at the bachelor and master level. Her research focuses on open innovation with users also called co-creation within Living Labs. She managed a project of the High School Rectors’ Conference to promote the development of sustainable products co-created by users and products in China in partnership with InnovAsians and the University of Hangzhou. She has also managed an applied research project to understand the levers and brakes of businesses and users towards the service economy (functionality economy). In 2013, Joëlle created Switzerland’s first Energy Living Lab, which helps companies and public authorities to develop products and services they pay for in the energy sector. She is currently working on various projects on the integration of users in the field of energy. Since August 2015, Joëlle is a board member of the European Network ok Living Labs.

Capacity Building Program



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