Evdokimos Konstantinidis
Living Lab
Health Living Lab facilitatorAbout
He received his Ph.D. degree in Medical Informatics in 2015. He is member of the ENoLL’s Health Experts Group leading team and he supported the establishment of the Thess-AHALL Living Lab as well as research and innovation funds raising. As the product manager of Nively SME, he works on understanding and forwarding the SME’s needs to Thess-AHALL as well as experimenting with the corresponding provided approaches, linking demand and offer through knowledge transfer. Recent research interests focus on intervention for elderly in the field of exergaming and IoT technologies, living labs and datasets sharing mechanisms as well as indoor monitoring in AAL environments. He worked on the design of a transnational collaborative platform for serious game development with and for older people which received the 3rd place at the ENoLL Best Living Lab Project Award 2016. He is the technical coordinator of the CAPTAIN H2020 project, deputy technical manager of the SmokeFreeBrain H2020 project and he works in the UNCAP and i-Prognosis H2020 projects. He is a Leader of Silver Technologies Research Group / Product Manager at Nively.
Project work
SISCODE aims to understand co-creation as a bottom-up and design-driven phenomenon that is flourishing in Europe (in fab labs, Living Labs, social innovations, smart cities, communities and regions); to analyse favourable conditions that support its effective
introduction, scalability and replication; and to use this knowledge to cross-fertilise RRI practices and policies.
SISCODE mission is to run a European study to compare co-creation ecosystems and describe effective dynamics and outcomes of the integration of society in science and innovation; experiment with design as a new system of competences capable to support the development of implementable RRI and STI solutions and policies; and understand the transformations needed to embed co-creation in STI policy making, overcoming barriers and resistance to change and considering organisational transformation.
ENoLL’s role in SISCODE is to collaborate with the other networks in the project (international network of fab labs & European network of science centers and museums) in building a transnational system of co-creation laboratories to experiment with a design- driven approach to co-creation, drawing knowledge from real-life experimentations to foster cross-fertilisation of know-how, co-creation approaches, RRI practices and policies. The project started in May 2018. https://siscodeproject.eu/