Despoina Petsani

AOTF Assistant Coordinator

Living Lab



Ms Despoina Petsani received her MSc in Medical Informatics and diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. She is currently Research Assistant in the Assistive Technologies and Silver Science Research Group in the Lab of Medical Physics, Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She is the Living Lab coordinator of CAPTAIN project (H2020) where she manages the co-creation activities in 5 living labs across 5 European countries. Among her tasks is to coordinate the CAPTAIN project requirements elicitation procedure from the end-users. She is also the Harmonization Body Coordinator of the VITALISE H2020 project where her tasks are to synchronise the goals and the objectives of the specific Harmonization Body, ensuring the openness to the global Living Lab and the research community. She has experience in applying SCRUM and Agile approaches and applying Living Lab methodologies for the development of innovative technological solutions. Her research also includes the use of AI and machine learning solutions in the identification of health and wellbeing metrics from everyday life monitoring and the prediction of health outcomes. In the Prolong GSA project, where Galileo-based location devices will be used as portable receivers to monitor older adults’ safety in external environments, she will design and employ the gait analysis algorithms. In 2019, she was part of the co-organising team of the Open Living Lab Days event, organised by the Lab of Medical Physics and European Network of Living Labs in Thessaloniki. She is also engaged in the H2020 SISCODE project. Her research interests lie in the area of technology and AI application for providing solutions to older adults and vulnerable populations in the field of assistive technologies and user experience research.

Capacity Building Program



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