Brigitte Trousse


The association is managed by an executive Board (the Council) comprising of at least three and maximum twenty-one members who are appointed with a simple majority by the General Assembly. The General Assembly meets every year, under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Executive Board. Fernando Vilariño was elected by the Executive Board as the Chairman in August 2018. The role of ENoLL Secretariat is to implement decisions passed by the General Assembly and run day-to-day operations of the network.


ENoLL Members can contact the following people with inquiries related to:

  • Operations and strategic initiatives, ENoLL Council (Zsuzsanna Bodi, Association Director/ Leidy Enriquez, Executive Assistant)
  • External Communications (Spela Zalokar)
  • Learning Lab (Ines Vaittinen)
  • Project Development – consortium building and project proposals invitations (Francesca Spagnoli)


For the following projects, please contact corresponding Project Manager:

  • SISCODE, iSCAPE (Ines Vaittinen)
  • UNaLab (Spela Zalokar)
  • EUSIC (Francesca Spagnoli)
  • Digital Skills Opportunity Traineeship (Francesca Spagnoli, Leidy Enriquez)


Capacity Building Program



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