An Jacobs

Living Lab



Professor at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, sociologist at imec-SMIT


I am curious about why things change and others stay the same in everyday life and society at large. On the one hand, innovations, technologies have the power to transform our practice. At the other hand, we as people shape our technology. Together with my colleagues, I aim to increase the diversity of people involved in design, by developing living lab methodology and participatory generative techniques. Topicwise, I focus on digital health and work projects, and I am currently fascinated with developments in the area of wearables and robotics.

I joined Smit in 2005 after receiving my PhD in Sociology at Ghent University. During my PhD, I deepened my knowledge on quantitative and quantitative research methods. I get inspired when a project team is truly interdisciplinary. For example, when in a co-creation session people cannot tell who is the social scientist and who is the technical specialist. As a project lead, one of the things I am very proud of are the results of the Claxon project. Robot “baby Geert” is still operating the glue gun in Audi Brussel in collaboration with the montage team.

Capacity Building Program



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