Gender in Innovation


Women and those from other marginalised groups are underrepresented in entrepreneurship and innovation at all levels. For example, they face substantial barriers to staring up their business, running it and gaining investment; they have less authority and seniority in decision making boards, and find it difficult to disrupt the current status quo. 

Less is known about how the lack of gender integration into product design, technologies and processes effects new markets, global challenges and national priorities.  

In order to address this, ENoLL, in coordination with City Lab Coventry, is launching a Working Group (WG) on Gender in Innovation. This benefits from the Gendered Innovation Living Labs (GILL) project. Preliminary findings highlight the notable absence of in-depth analysis regarding the diversity among female entrepreneurs, a lag of AI and digital transition research related to gender; a lack of gender-responsive policies and plans in regulatory instruments and decision-making processes; and cultural barriers stemming from unconscious bias and stereotypes. 

The new WG aims to increase gendered innovation in the EU by supporting the development of methods and processes that can lead to:  

  • an increased representation of women and those from traditionally excluded groups in enterprise and innovation;  
  • more gender responsive and sensitive outcomes; 
  • sharing of good practices. 

The group is open to all those who want to see changes to the culture around innovation. We welcome new ways of thinking and ideas around intersectionality and gender responsive innovation from all disciplines.  

As a member of the WG you can expect to freely exchange knowledge and views with international and interdisciplinary colleagues, set priorities, actions and challenges for the Working Group. 

Please submit your interest by registering here, and complete the quick online survey. ENoLL team will get into contact to explore the suitability of the profiles, ensuring this way a diverse group with balanced representation from academia, industry, policy, and civil society.  

Personal Information


Task force interest



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