Health and Well-being


This ENoLL Action-Oriented Task Force is open Community of living labs where research, innovation, methodologies and best practices on health and wellbeing are credited and shared easily, transparently and trustfully. Thus, the mission of the ENoLL Action Oriented Task Force on Health and Well-being is to activate and boost a collaborative ecosystem among Living Labs interested in the domains of Health and Well-being, giving visibility of their added value at European and international level and attracting key actors within the public and private sector.


The main lines of interest of the ENoLL Action-Oriented Task Force on Health and Well-being are:

  1. Ageing society and Silver Economy.
  2. Patient-centered care and person-centric systemic change of health systems.
  3. Health and environment.
  4. Physical activity and health.
  5. Promotion of health and wellbeing in work environments.



In particular, the following objectives are envisaged as an initial horizon for actions:

  • Drive a community of Living Labs active in the domains of Health and Wellbeing around specific projects, and consolidate strong consortiums for future joint projects.
  • Promote trans-national and trans-regional collaboration for knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences among the members of the AOTF and their different ecosystems.
  • Become a network to promote and help the scalability and exploitation of products and services around health and well-being at local or trans-regional and trans-national level.
  • Organize an annual event on “Living Labs on Health and Wellbeing”, beyond the OLLD, with the support of the ENoLL Office.
  • Act as an interest group within ENoLL to tailor strategies and influence the EC in the identified lines of interest within the AOTF.



This task force is sustained under values of Transparency, Equity, Openness, Credibility, Cross-border collaboration, Multidisciplinarity.





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