
Harmonizing the evaluation of living labs

One of the cornerstones of ENoLL (European Network of Living Labs) is the high-quality labelling and certification process which is in place to evaluate incoming living lab members. 

Since living labs evolve over time it’s crucial to constantly improve this evaluation structure on a continuous base to make sure it keeps fitting the high-quality standards required and to support living labs in assessing themselves to grow and remain sustainable. 

Monitoring living lab activities, projects, and organizations (micro-, meso- and macro-level) in a standardized way isn’t easy and the creation of a self-assessment tool for living labs will be a win-win situation for everyone. 

Within the Vitalise project, we are striving for the creation of an improved evaluation structure and process for living labs. 

Last year we co-created a new evaluation framework for living labs 

Our hard work, in close collaboration with Forum LLSA, resulted in the publication of an academic paper during the XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference “Innovating in a Digital World”, held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 05 June to 08 June 2022. 

This year we want to continue our work and co-create the next steps together with you. 

We hope you want to help us. 

The next step is the validation of the description sentences for each of the criteria.
For this we developed a survey in which we want to collect your feedback by choosing the best sentence for every criterion. Participating in it will cost you only 20 minutes of your precious time. You can complete the survey before Friday March 24 at 23.59h CEST. 

Share your feedback via 


We are looking forward to your crucial feedback, 

Koen, Evdokimos, David and the whole Vitalise, ENoLL and LLSA Forum team. 

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