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Mediterranean Innovation Rural Living Lab (MEDIL)

The Mediterranean Innovation Rural Living Lab aims to become a catalyst for innovation ecosystems

The Mediterranean Innovation Rural Living Lab aims to become a catalyst for innovation ecosystems promoting the sustainable development of rural and coastal areas in Apulia and the Mediterranean region. The lab’s objectives include:

  • Spreading the culture of Open-Innovation through the development of training courses, research, knowledge transfer, and international cooperation in the Mediterranean Area.
  • Creating a multi-actor network that applies a systematic approach of co-creation, integrating research and innovation processes in communities and real-life environments.
  • Generating innovation by supporting youth entrepreneurship and facilitating the co-design and acceleration of solutions for businesses, rural, and coastal communities.

Areas of work:

  • Agriculture & (Agri-)Food
  • Education and/or vocational training
  • SME & Start-ups
  • Social Innovation & Inclusion
  • Water (Blue economy)

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