WaterCampus Leeuwarden
At the WaterCampus Leeuwarden, innovations in the field of water technology are developed, tested, upscaled and introduced in the global market. The WaterCampus is a host to a variety of testing locations where new applications can be tested in close cooperation with end users. The WaterCampus does not focus on any particular development stage. Innovative […]
Well-being Living Lab Nagykovacsi
The mission of the Well-being Living Lab Nagykovacsi is to carry out and participate in R&D activities that can be used to improve people’s well-being and quality of life in many areas of life. Its mission is to develop, deliver, apply and disseminate new services and methods (e.g. through education) using the results of R&D […]
Wireless Trondheim Living Lab
The Wireless Trondheim Living Lab was originally established as a local arena in Trondheim, Norway, for open and user driven innovation related to mobile services and technology. In the last years, it has turned into a more general facility supporting stakeholder engagement for smart and sustainable cities. By being a member of ENoLL, it aims […]
ZorgLab Aalst
Zorglab Aalst is a living lab in health and care. It is an environment to test and experiment with innovative solutions in health and care. Zorglab Aalst supports and collaborates with entrepreneurs, researchers, policymakers and health care organizations in citizen-centered and/or patient-centred solutions. It provides advice, matchmaking of partners, co-creation and testing in real life. […]
Valencia Living Lab – People Innovating for People
The aim of this LL is to make Valencia a laboratory city by creating experimentation spaces, public infrastructures and processes designed to experiment with new solutions, services and products that are developed by innovative ecosystem, as well as by the citizenship, and which require testing in real conditions. Within its scope, Valenica LL has been […]
TAMK Living Lab
TAMK Living Lab focuses on promoting health and wellbeing, business, and technology together with learning and creativity. In addition to the significant role as a higher education institution, TAMK conducts high-quality practical, cross-disciplinary research, development, and innovation projects jointly with all quadruple helix partners. These projects specifically emphasise the social, environmental, and economic impact on […]
The Innovate Dementia Transnational Living Lab
The Innovate Dementia Transnational Living Lab hosted by the Centre for Collaborative Innovation in Dementia at Liverpool John Moores University is a research-to-innovation asset. The Lab arose out of the successes of the Innovate Dementia project. The central aim of the project was to engage with people living with dementia to develop innovative ways of […]
Thessaloniki Action for HeAlth & Wellbeing Living Lab
Thess-AHALL, active since 2014, is a unique research and innovation hub in Thessaloniki. It promotes regional development and sustainable health technologies, focusing on physical, mental, and social health, active and healthy ageing, and quality of life. It co-creates technological solutions to ease independent living, improve conditions for older adults, chronic patients, and vulnerable populations, and […]
Thessaloniki Smart Mobility Living Lab
Thessaloniki Smart Mobility Living Lab is one of Europe’s largest Living Labs on mobility. The entire city of Thessaloniki is a platform for testing technological and innovative solutions for shared and on-demand mobility, cooperative and autonomous vehicles and will soon be extended to freight transport. Thessaloniki is in the list of smart cities in the […]
Thriving Entrepreneurial and Creative Lab (TECLA)
The Thriving Entrepreneurial and Creative Lab (TECLA) is an initiative that intends to exploit the potential of the Palermo city to become thriving and sustainable by leveraging and reinforcing the entrepreneurial and innovative capacity of local actors in the creative industry field. TECLA is a physical space that encourages participants to discuss ideas and projects, […]