
Reduced ENoLL membership fee for remainder of the year 2011

The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) membership fee to become an effective member for the year 2011 is set at 5000€. However for the rest of the remaining year, this fee is reduced 50% (2500€).

What are the benefits of becoming a paying member?

 Paying ENoLL membership ensures you as a Living Lab an by enhanced voice in the Living Lab Community: by becoming a paying (effective) member, you get a vote in the ENoLL General Assembly and the possibility to be elected to the ENoLL Council.

The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) membership fee to become an effective member for the year 2011 is set at 5000€. However for the rest of the remaining year, this fee is reduced 50% (2500€).

What are the benefits of becoming a paying member?

 Paying ENoLL membership ensures you as a Living Lab an by enhanced voice in the Living Lab Community: by becoming a paying (effective) member, you get a vote in the ENoLL General Assembly and the possibility to be elected to the ENoLL Council.

You will also have the possibility to chair one of the ENoLL Working Groups, putting yourself in the core of dynamic project development and planning of the future activities of the network.

In addition, effective members can get direct ENoLL support and facilitation for EU and national proposals, effectively strengthening your chances of success in seeking funding.

As a concrete example, proposals with direct ENoLL facilitation have been very successful in the recent funding call (2010) on Smart Cities in the EU Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP ICT PSP). 50% of all ENoLL-facilitated proposals have currently made it through to the negotiations (against 12% of the non-facilitated proposals). In total, three proposals coordinated by ENoLL effective members have been invited to the negotiations.

How to become an effective member?

If you are interested in effective membership, please contact the ENoLL Office [email protected]. Candidates who finalize their application (including payment) before August 1st 2011, have also the opportunity to become an ENoLL Council Member, since three new Council Seats will be elected during the General Assembly in October 2011.

Further details on effective member benefits and on applying for effective membership can be found here.


ENoLL welcomes you to become an effective member adding value to our dynamic and growing network!


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The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international, non-profit, independent association of benchmarked Living Labs.