The European Commission in partnership with the World Bank has launched Connected Communities Initiative (CCI), a public call for expression of interest to gather information form the market about connectivity projects under consideration by public and private promoters, in particular Regional and Local decision makers.
The European Commission in partnership with the World Bank has launched Connected Communities Initiative (CCI), a public call for expression of interest to gather information form the market about connectivity projects under consideration by public and private promoters, in particular Regional and Local decision makers.
CCI aims to identify the technical assistance needs of local communities and offers targeted support to potential project promoters. Projects which finance part of all of its needs through long term financing (loans, guarantees, project bonds) will be able to apply for funding through the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and the European Investment Bank (EIB).
By 2020 the Digital Agenda for Europe targets to cover the entire European Union by broadband at 30 Mbps and 50 % of the users to subscribe to broadband above100 Mbps. The take up of high speed broadband will enable advancing towards the goals of Europe 2020, Innovation Union, Youth for Europe, and other policies of the European Union and the Member States. Significant increase of the quality of life of the citizens and the growth and jobs to the whole continent is expected as the result of new innovative digital possibilities made available by high speed broadband to Regional and Local actors, Industry, Small-Medium Enterprises, Academia, Governmental Bodies, Non-Governmental Organisations, and other relevant stakeholders.
The deployment and take up of high speed broadband networks has proven positive effect in several aspects:
More information about CCI is available below via the following links:
Application is available online: (deadline 15/10/14).