A Connected Smart Cities workshop, chaired by Mr. Pekka Sauri, Deputy Mayor, City of Helsinki, was held in parallel to the morning session of the CKIR workshop on August 26th.
A Connected Smart Cities workshop, chaired by Mr. Pekka Sauri, Deputy Mayor, City of Helsinki, was held in parallel to the morning session of the CKIR workshop on August 26th. Cities and other Smart Cities Stakeholders were invited to participate in a working session with the main objective of commonly define the steps for the operationalisation of the Connected Smart Cities Network, co-producing the roadmap, action plan, methodology and the recommendation for the policy instruments to achieve it. Important figures such as Mr. Markku Markkula, Aalto University, Committee of Regions, Rapporteur on Digital Agenda and Espoo City Councillor, Prof. Dr. Alvaro Oliveira, Chair of ENoLL and Mr. Jarmo Eskelinen CEO Forum Virium and ENoLL Vice-President, were present and actively contributed to the results.
The Connected Smart Cities Network was launched under the EU-funded (7th Framework Programme) FIREBALL-project in Helsinki on November 18th, 2010 by the cities of Amsterdam, Manchester, Lisbon, Barcelona and Helsinki. The Connect Smart City Network aims to establish a collaboration mechanism through which a network of Smart Cities across Europe engages in long-term collaboration for adopting User Driven Open Innovation to explore the opportunities of the Future Internet and to support cities to innovate in order to tackle the major societal challenges faced by Europe, such as sustainable mobility, climate change, energy security or our ageing population.
The Connected Smart Cities Network works closely with the EUROCITIES network and the European Network of Living Labs, (ENoLL) exchanging best practices and aiming to find new ways forward to boost and sustain the capacity for open innovation, co-production and sustainability to future internet enabled services in cities across Europe. Result of this cooperation with the Living Lab community is the Connected Smart Cities Network in ENoLL as a Thematic Domain.
Through the different activities and initiatives the network hopes to build the field, encourage research and implementation, and simply to help establish a new generation of city officials and active citizens whose idealism will be matched by their awareness of these developments as well as their practical skills. In a word, to aspire to build a movement that will contribute to making our cities (and whole Europe) more sustainable, green and open communities.
The Connected Smart Cities Network is supported by the European Commission through the CIP PSP Smart Cities objective.
See the recording of the workshop behind this link.