
E-course on Stimulating Innovation and policy making in the Social & Creative sectors begins in September

On the 19 September 2022 the e-course on “Stimulating Innovation and policy making in the Social & Creative sectors” will kick start. The course is free of charge and it is structured in 4 modules, for a total of 12 hours engagement. The course consists of video lessonscase studies and hands-on activities for a very practical training providing participants with specific insights and tools ready to be implemented in the daily practices:

  • Module #1: Co-creation methods & e-Learning toolkit for enacting open innovation in the social innovation and creative community;
  • Module #2: Semantic Framework Tool to implement advanced services for smart search and policy making;
  • Module #3: Oriented Bayesian Nets (OBNs) for supporting policy making and injecting innovation in CCIs;
  • Module #4: Experimenting with the Social & Creative OBN tool for improving cluster promotion and financing schemes start up.


Those who finish the course will receive a certificate. The course is designed for all stakeholders who want to learn how to improve policies and practices in the Social Innovation & Creative sectors.


More information and registration. 



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The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is the international, non-profit, independent association of benchmarked Living Labs.