
Cities from seven countries boost open standards for smart cities

Thirty-one cities from seven countries in Europe and Latin America launched yesterday at CeBIT the “Open & Agile Smart Cities” initiative to accelerate adoption of common standards and principles for global smart city development.

Thirty-one cities from seven countries in Europe and Latin America launched yesterday at CeBIT the “Open & Agile Smart Cities” initiative to accelerate adoption of common standards and principles for global smart city development.
The Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) initiative, signed by 31 cities from Finland, Denmark, Belgium, Portugal, Italy, Spain and Brazil, aims to kickstart the use of a shared set of wide-spread, open standards and principles, enabling the development of smart city applications and solutions to reach many cities at once, by making systems interoperable between cities, and within a city.
The commitment marks a milestone in the development of smart cities, boosting the digital transformation of cities into engines of growth and citizen satisfaction through co-creation.
“The digital evolution of cities is a multifaceted process with a clear focus on the citizen,” says Mário Campolargo, Director of Net Futures for the European Commission’s DG CONNECT. “We need to be prepared to take a holistic approach towards smart cities, involving IT technologies but also sociologists and architects for all-encompassing solutions.”

Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Tampere, Oulu and Turku in Finland; Copenhagen, Aarhus and Aalborg in Denmark; Brussels, Ghent and Antwerp in Belgium; Porto, Lisbon, Fundão, Palmela, Penela and Águeda in Portugal; Milan, Palermo and Lecce in Italy; Valencia, Santander, Málaga and Sevilla in Spain; and Olinda (Recife), Anapólis (Goiás), Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul), Vitória (Espírito Santo), Colinas de Tocantins (Tocantins) and Taquaritinga (São Paulo) in Brazil, are already committed to implement common standards.

Full press releases can be found at the European Commission website and the Connected smart cities website. Latest news here.

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